The Surnames listed below are last names that we do have a coat of arms for in verbal format (blazon). Many of them we have already converted to an image 


3 december 2020 – InDex Pharmaceuticals Holding AB (publ) meddelar idag Johan Kördel, utsedd av Industrifonden; Bengt Julander, utsedd av Linc; Anni 

INDEX PHARMA: BENGT JULANDER STÖRSTA ÄGARE EFTER EMISSION. 12.3.2021, 04:45 ·  Køb InDex Pharmaceuticals Holding AB (INDEX) aktien. Hos Nordnet INDEX PHARMA: BENGT JULANDER STÖRSTA ÄGARE EFTER EMISSION. 12.3.2021   Get the latest InDex Pharmaceuticals stock price and detailed information including news, historical charts and realtime prices. Osta osaketta InDex Pharmaceuticals Holding AB (INDEX). Nordnetissä voit INDEX PHARMA: BENGT JULANDER STÖRSTA ÄGARE EFTER EMISSION.

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6.8%. 6.8%. Sedana har lämnat in ansökan om marknadsgodkännande; Index pharma kan 10 dobles på sikt i følge Bengt Julander Isofol medical forum  Index pharma kan 10 dobles på sikt i følge Bengt Julander Isofol medical forum. 1. 82. Senaste nyheter om - Sedana Medical, aktieanalys,  Hälsovårdmiljardären Bengt Julanders Investeringsfilosofi MedicalArcomaIndex PharmaceuticalsElos MedtechMedivirHansa Elos Medtech B  InDex Pharmaceuticals - Index - Flashback Forum — VD Peter dobles på sikt i følge Bengt Julander VD för Index Pharmaceuticals intervjuas  The Nomination Committee for the 2021 Annual General Meeting of InDex Pharmaceuticals Holding AB (publ) consists of: Bengt Julander, appointed by Linc Ivo Staijen, appointed by HBM Healthcare Investments Sussie Kvart, appointed by Handelsbanken Funds Responsible for Industrifonden’s life science operations from 2008 to 2016. He has held seats on the Boards of over 30 companies and is also a co-founder of two pharmaceutical development companies.

Bengt Julander invests approximately SEK 17.5 million in the Company and Martin Bjäringer and Carl Rosvall invests approximately SEK 8.8 million each. InDex Pharmaceuticals in brief

Styrelseuppdrag i Index Pharmaceuticals, Mahshid Advisors samt Venaticus Capital. Aktieinnehav: 25 000. Innehav av teckningsoptioner: Bengt Julander. Styrelseledamot.

Bengt julander index pharmaceuticals

InDex Pharmaceuticals AB på First North gör en nyemission på 139,6 Mkr. Prospekt och teckningssedel för att investera i aktie. Värdering och villkor. ansedda nya investerare så som Fjärde AP-fonden samt befintliga aktieägare så som Stiftelsen Industrifonden och Bengt Julander (genom Linc AB).

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals och även haft olika ledande befattningar inom Astra AB. Dessförinnan var han professor i organisk kemi vid Uppsala universitet. Han är styrelseordförande i Adhera Therapeutics samt styrelseledamot i Active Biotech, Cerecor Inc., InDex Pharmaceuticals AB, Beactica AB och Uppsala universitet. InDex Pharmaceuticals AB på First North gör en nyemission på 139,6 Mkr. Prospekt och teckningssedel för att investera i aktie. Värdering och villkor Index Pharmaceuticals: InDex Pharmaceuticals Holding AB (publ) announces changes in the Nomination Committee for the 2021 Annual General Meeting; 12.3.2021 klo 14.34 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt INDEX PHARMA: BENGT JULANDER STÖRSTA ÄGARE EFTER EMISSION; 12.3.2021 klo 13.45 · Cision Index Pharmaceuticals: InDex Pharmaceuticals uppdaterar ägarlistan Senaste nyheter om - InDex Pharmaceuticals Holding, aktieanalys, INDEX PHARMA: BENGT JULANDER STÖRSTA ÄGARE EFTER EMISSION.

Bengt julander index pharmaceuticals

Has worked in the pharmaceutical industry since 1978.
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He has worked on more than 30 company boards and is also the co-founder of two pharmaceutical development companies. Other current assignments: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sixera Pharma AB, Ignitus AB and Cinclus Pharma Holding AB. Member of the Board of Directors of InDex Pharmaceuticals Holding AB (publ), and Medivir AB (publ). InDex Pharmaceuticals in brief InDex is a pharmaceutical development company focusing on immunological diseases where there is a high unmet medical need for new treatment options. Bengt Julander invests approximately SEK 17.5 million in the Company and Martin Bjäringer and Carl Rosvall invests approximately SEK 8.8 million each. InDex Pharmaceuticals in brief Bengt Julander is now the company's third largest shareholder with 10 percent of the shares and the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund the fourth largest with 7 percent.

He is a member of the. Bengt Julander Board Member. Ola Magnusson Board Member.
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Management", "Industrifonden"], "company_name": "InDex Pharmaceuticals", "company_founders": ["Bengt Julander"], "investors": ["Industrifonden"], 

Styrelsens ordförande Wenche Rolfsen och VD Peter Zerhouni. Fas IIb-studien på 215 patienter med ulcerös kolit avslutas snart. SEB avstår styrelseplats men behåller aktiemajoriteten.

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Stockholm All Share Index (OMXSPI) Lennart Hansson, Bengt Julander, Helena InDex Pharmaceuticals AB, Calliditas Therapeutics.

Bengt Julander Board Member. Ola Magnusson Board Member. Eva Walde Board Member. Christoffer Rosenblad Board Member.